Resolving complaints

Everyone at Markiewicz & Co is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you’re unhappy with our products or our service, we would like you to tell us about it and let us know how you think we can fix it.

Where and how to complain

You can complain:

By phone

You can contact the Markiewicz & Co business you’ve been dealing with directly or, if you prefer, ask to speak to the Complaints Officer. You can use our contacts page to find contact details for all of our businesses.

In writing

You can write to us at:

The Complaints Officer
Markiewicz & Co
G.P.O Box 2237 Sydney NSW 2001


In person

You can raise your complaint with us in person through our staff in one of our branches.

How we deal with complaints

We take complaints seriously; they give us important information about how we can better serve our clients.

We have a dedicated Complaints Manager who is responsible for reviewing complaints to ensure they are dealt with appropriately.

If we can't resolve your complaint on the spot we'll acknowledge it and try to resolve it as quickly as we can. In some cases where there are complicated facts or circumstances, or where we need to deal with third parties, it might take several weeks to investigate your complaint and address your concerns.

Other options

If you're not satisfied with the outcome we propose, or if you believe you have not received a fair hearing, let us know and, if we think it's appropriate, we'll undertake a further review of your concerns.

In some cases, if you're still dissatisfied with the outcome, you may be able to take advantage of one of the free and independent external dispute resolution schemes we subscribe to. We will tell you when this option is available.

Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is a free and independent dispute resolution service that can consider complaints about Markiewicz & Co.

For further information and contact details, please go to the website

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal

The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT) is an independent tribunal established by the Commonwealth Government to deal with complaints about superannuation funds, annuities, deferred annuities and retirement savings accounts (RSAs). The SCT is required to be fair, economical, informal and quick.

For further information and contact details, please go to the website:

Contact us

To find out more about Markiewicz & Co's services, or to contact an adviser, please call us on 1300 276 112 or fill out the form below.